Le perle musicali del sabato mattina
Cappuccino ed NME, uno dei magazine musicali più cool che ci siano, giusto per usare un linguaggio trendy. Yeah.
Leggendo la recensione del nuovo album degli Strokes, Angles (anticipato dal singolo Under Cover of Darkness), ho avuto un piccolo orgasmo alla descrizione del periodo temporale intercorso fra Fist Impression of Earth e l’uscita dell’ultimo singolo della band newyorkese. 1,898 giorni superbi, in cui:
dubstep emerged as new rave expired; free-market capitalism pretty much collapsed; James Brown and Michael Jackson shuffled off their mortal coils; America elected its first black President; China became the world’s second superpower; Lady Gaga became its third; the Iraq war ended; Kanye West was cool, uncool and then cool again; MySpace went from ubiquitus life-tool to digital ghost realm; Oasis called it a day; The White Stripes followed suit; the Arab world erupted in revolution; rock’n’roll was pronounced dead..and there are still another four days to go until Angles hits the shelves
Non mi ero accorto di tutto questo. O almeno, non l’avevo mai pensato in termini così fichi.
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